Policy FAQ

Policy FAQ

The University of Arizona is committed to maintaining a safe and supportive environment for all individuals in the university community, particularly minors who participate in university programs and activities. The purpose of the Interactions With Non-Enrolled Minors Policy is to provide reasonable safeguards for the protection and supervision of minors participating in university programs and activities.

Any person under the age of 18 is a minor.

Programs and activities need to be registered annually with the Office of Youth Protection if:

  • They are university programs or activities.
  • They are open for participation by minors.
  • Minor participants are supervised exclusively by university employees or volunteers.

Programs and activities do not need to be registered with the Office of Youth Protection if:

  • They are open to the public.
  • They have been given Institutional Review Board approval.
  • Minors are employed by or volunteering at the university.
  • Minor participants are students at the university.
  • Minor participants are enrolled for academic credit at the university.
  • Minor participants are supervised by a parent, legal guardian, or official of a shool or non-university organization or group.

Programs and activities within the scope of the Interactions With Non-Enrolled Minors Policy must register with the Office of Youth Protection. Programs and activities must use forms provided by the Office of Youth Protection, ensure authorized representatives complete the university’s Child Abuse Prevention and Reporting training, and follow university policies for planning their programs. The Planning Checklist provides detailed requirements.

An authorized representative is any university employee, student, or Designated Campus Colleague who will interact with minors in university programs and activities that are within the scope of the Interactions With Non-Enrolled Minors Policy.

Authorized representatives are required to complete the university’s Child Abuse Prevention and Reporting training every year they work or volunteer for a program that registers with the Office of Youth Protection. The training provides instruction on identifying, preventing, responding to, and reporting child abuse. 

Programs and activities are strongly advised to follow the American Camp Association (ACA) ratios for day and overnight programs and activities.

Day Program

  • 5 years old and younger: 1 authorized representative for every 6 participants (1:6)
  • 6-8 years old: 1 authorized representative for every 8 participants (1:8)
  • 9-14 years old: 1 authorized representative for every 10 participants (1:10)
  • 15-18 years old: 1 authorized representative for every 12 participants (1:12)

Overnight Program

  • 5 years old and younger: 1 authorized representative for every 5 participants (1:5)
  • 6-8 years old: 1 authorized representative for every 6 participants (1:6)
  • 9-14 years old: 1 authorized representative for every 8 participants (1:8)
  • 15-18 years old: 1 authorized representative for every 10 participants (1:10)

Any interaction with a minor (in-person or virtual) that does not include a minimum of two authorized representatives is considered a one-on-one interaction. 

For university programs and activities that are within the scope of the Interactions With Non-Enrolled Minors Policy, in-person one-on-one interaction is only allowed if indicated on the Registration Form and parent/legal guardian authorization on the Disclosure of One-on-One Interaction with a Minor: Parent/Legal Guardian Authorization has been provided.

Virtual one-on-one interaction is always prohibited.

Minors must be directly supervised by an authorized representative at all times while they are participating in university programs and activities that are within the scope of the Interactions With Non-Enrolled Minors Policy. Direct supervision means generally that a minor remains in line of sight and/or sound of an authorized representative at all times. At no time may a minor be unattended or left in the care of an individual that is not an authorized representative.

Anyone who suspects that a minor is being abused or neglected must immediately report to a peace officer or the Arizona Child Abuse Hotline (1-888-SOS-CHILD or 1-888-767-2445).

Authorized representatives who suspect that a minor is being abused or neglected on University of Arizona owned or controlled property or during University of Arizona programs or activities, must do all of the following:

  1. Immediately call the University of Arizona Police Department (520-621-8273).
  2. Immediately call the Arizona Child Abuse Hotline (1-888-SOS-CHILD or 1-888-767-2445).
  3. Submit a University of Arizona Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Form after making those two calls.
  4. Notify the program supervisor of the program/activity.

Contact the Office of Youth Protection (youthprotection@arizona.edu) if you have any questions.