University Reporting Obligations

University Reporting Obligations

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Call 9-1-1 for an emergency requiring police, fire, or medical assistance. FOr a non-emergency, call the University of Arizona Police Department (520-621-8273).





Contact & Policy


As required by Arizona law A.R.S. 13-3620; suspected child abuse or neglect not on university owned or controlled property or during university programs or activities

Anyone can report, but the following must report:

Any person indicated in A.R.S. 13-3620

Immediately report to a peace officer or the Arizona Child Abuse Hotline (1-888-SOS-CHILD or 1-888-767-2445)

State of Arizona

A.R.S. 13-3620


Suspected child abuse or neglect on university owned or controlled property or during university programs or activities

Anyone can report, but the following must report:

Authorized representatives of programs/activities registered with the Office of Youth Protection

Program supervisors of programs/activities registered with the Office of Youth Protection are also Campus Security Authorities

1. Immediately call the University of Arizona Police Department (520-621-8273)

2. Immediately call the Arizona Child Abuse Hotline (1-888-SOS-CHILD or 1-888-767-2445)

3. Submit a Child Abuse & Neglect Reporting Form

4. Notify the program supervisor of the program/activity

Office of Youth Protection


Interactions With Non-Enrolled Minors Policy


Clery Act crimes that occur on or within property owned or controlled by the university

Clery Act crimes include sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, & hate crimes

Anyone can report, but the following must report:

Campus Security Authorities (CSAs)

Submit a CSA Clery Crime Reporting Form as soon as possible and within 24 hours of receiving information

The University of Arizona Police Department, Housing & Residential Life, Threat Assessment & Management Team, & Dean of Students Office have an alternative established practice for submitting CSA reports

Clery Act Compliance


Clery Act Compliance Policy


Title IX sex discrimination related to university employees, university students, university applicants, persons/groups participating in or accessing university-sponsored programs/activities/facilities, & vendors/contractors in their relationship with the university

Title IX sex discrimination encompasses sex-based harassment, which includes sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, & stalking

Anyone can report, but the following must report:

Employees or agents of the university who: supervise other employees, graduate or undergraduate students, contractors, or agents; teach or advise students or groups; or have management authority related to a university-sponsored program or activity

Title IX Confidential Employees are exempt from reporting responsibilities. A list of confidential employees can be found here:

Title IX Confidential Employees must inform impacted individuals/victims of their confidential employee status & lack of reporting responsibility as well as provide the individual with specific information. Refer to for a complete description of obligations

Submit a Sexual Misconduct Reporting Form

Office of Institutional Equity


Nondiscrimination & Anti-Harassment Policy


Discrimination related to university employees, university students, university applicants, persons/groups participating in or accessing university sponsored programs/activities/facilities, & vendors/contractors in their relationship with the university

Discrimination, which includes harassment & retaliation, based on a protected classification, including race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or genetic information

Anyone can report, but the following must report:

Employee or agents of the university who: supervise other employees, graduate or undergraduate students, contractors, or agents; teach or advise students or groups; or management authority related to a university-sponsored program or activity

Submit a Discriminatory Conduct Reporting Form

Office of Institutional Equity


Nondiscrimination & Anti-Harassment Policy


Some individuals may have multiple university reporting obligations and may need to submit multiple types of reports based on their roles.